Case Studies

Custom Rubber Bumpers for a Handheld Device


Our customer’s expensive handheld field device was often abused by the elements and vibrations while out in the field. The devices were malfunctioning due to drops, inclement weather and vibrations. As an existing supplier of membrane switches and labels to this customer, they sought our guidance for a custom solution – a rubber bumper to protect their device.


After discussions with engineering, marketing and management, we developed a custom rubber bumper design that would protect the device from drops and vibrations and help it withstand water and dust. Our engineers provided a custom rubber bumper from 3D files of the device case. We produced prototypes for fit and function before moving into production.


The customer experienced fewer field failures and increased revenue from our rubber bumper design. It prevented damage from vibrations and drops while the unique design of the bumper also prevented water and dust from damaging the device. The company’s marketing and sales divisions were excited to have a new product that could be customized per their customers’ specifications, including custom colors and logos. Management was pleased to have added a new part with high profit margins.

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